How do I Recover a Clash of Clan Account 2021

You can find here the proper solution for Clash of Clan Account 1–888–410–9071 recovery just Follow the steps

2 min readApr 12, 2021

Method-1- Logging into Android

1- Open the game. Make sure you have added the correct Google Play account to your device. You must log into the game with your Gmail account.

2- Go to Settings. Touch the Google Play button.

3- Select your correct Gmail account. This new screen will ask you to load the correct village. Select your email that connected with Clash of Clans.

4- Confirm your details. Confirm the name of the village, the level, and the last time you played and select your main village. Done!

How do I Recover a Clash of Clan Account 2021

Method 2- Logging into iOS

1- Go to Settings> Game Center> Apple ID.

2- Please log in. Once you have logged into the correct Game Center / Apple ID, the game will display a message asking you to load the correct village. If you can’t get your lost village back with the address you’re using now, it’s probably not the correct one. After prompted, allow the server to load your village.

3- Contact the Clash of Clans team

1- Contact them by email. You can email the Clash of Clans support team directly at and support will help you asap.

2- Be sure to include the following information; more information will increase your chances of getting your account back.

  • Your exact username and the clan name of your lost town and current town (Town Hall 1) (and player tag if possible).
  • Exact Town Hall level for your lost Town and current Town.
  • Exact XP level of your lost village and your current village.
  • An explanation of how you lost the Village.

3- Wait for an answer. It can take 2–4 weeks for the support team to respond.

